An “amalgam” filling is a metal-based filling that uses gold, silver, mercury, and other metals and combinations of these metals in dental work. Metal fillings date back as far as 1830 and have been the norm almost since that time. Metal fillings have been used in bridges, crowns, and other types of fillings to repair damaged teeth.
Recent research has confirmed that having these metals in our mouths for years
may not be healthy. Mercury has been studied specifically and researchers have found that mercury, even in small amounts, is very harmful to our health. This has been a hotly debated topic with dentists all over North America for many years, but the latest findings do show that potential problems can arise from the use of metals in the mouth.
As more and more of the public is becoming aware of the dangers, especially with mercury fillings, many individuals are concerned about toxicity issues. When a filling is stable and sound and causes no problems, it is often best left alone. If a metal filling should become loose or unstable, then most dentists do recommend removing it and replacing it with the newer composite amalgams.
Precautions Concerning Replacing Mercury Fillings
If you are planning to have a mercury filling replaced, then it’s very important to choose a professional dentist who understands the dangers that mercury poses to humans. There are a number of precautions we take at Nashville Restorative Dentistry, such as the use of a rubber dam in the mouth.
Patients are covered with a disposable drape to prevent mercury particles from getting into clothing, hair, and eyes. We also utilize high-volume suction and ample irrigation with water during the sectioning and removal procedure. Additionally, we use a centralized mercury separating unit that collects 99% of mercury before it passes into waste in order to provide the utmost protection for our patients.
Additional Problems You May Incur
We have adopted the metal-free philosophy for a number of reasons. The toxicity issues are a primary concern, but there are a few others. When the metal in a filling mixes with saliva, it tends to produce voltages and cause electrolysis-related corrosion. These are measurable voltages that can produce electromagnetic waves that can interfere with human brainwave patterns.
The interference can be very nominal, causing a simple lowering of the immune system but it can also cause stress and even more serious issues in some individuals. Each human is different and what affects what person may not harm another at all. Though there are still many debates about the use of metals in the dentistry profession, at Nashville Restorative Dentistry, we value your health first and foremost and do not wish to take even the slightest chance that a filling may eventually cause a health concern.
metal-free dentistry gives you a safe, visually-appealing, and structurally-sound solution for tooth restoration. We use the Huggins Protocol when replacing amalgam fillings with state-of-the-art synthetic, tooth-colored compounds that offer distinct advantages over old-style metals. These materials are strong and long-lasting, yet do not damage your teeth. They are attached with very high adhesion and sculpted for a custom fit. This is the perfect solution for fillings and crowns and offers much greater peace of mind over metal substances.
We are equipped to handle the majority of your dental needs
We understand the importance of having a dentist you can trust. And that means not being sent off to a different specialist every time you need a new procedure. At Nashville Restorative Dentistry, we are equipped to handle the majority of your dental needs from cosmetic to restorative, implants to extractions. When you come to us, you are getting a dental team for life.
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